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this little man right here is my happiness.. my life, my everything!! thank god he is all mine.. 
he's sweet and so much fun.
i cant get enough of him
his such a pain in the ass but lovable at the same time

being a mom, is the best job ever.
i get tired but can smile at the same time.. 
having a little boy is much harder than having a little girl (well, it depends on how you raise your kid, but most of the girls i met is more behaved than my little man) comparing to my co-parents'  children at school my son is hyperactive, never afraid to have bruises, always run and never gets tired. but one thing i love about him is he listens to me.. one time at school, all of his classmates and him was playing on top of the table and the teacher saw what the kids are doing and how their table got all dirty and messy... so the next day.. the white board has a sign that says "please do not go on top of the table". so i told him never ever go up the table and he never did.. but when his classmates do, he's tempted but when he looks at me... he gets down as fast as he can and always have an alibi that he was just sitting on the table. haha
silly markee... i know what you're doing kid!

here are some of markee's #ootd

whenever we go out.. we always have to look good, especially my son.. 
i will never get tired of my unico hijo.

look how pogi (good looking) my son is.
its all in the genes folks!

who styles my baby?
me ofcourse!! 
trying to collect as much as sun glasses i can find for little boys!! all the colors i want and every shape and style i can see. 

bought this sunglasses at a thrift store.. i only bought this for only  20 PHP. bought all the color except for the purple one. this sunglasses are his fave because its blue.. 

out and about.. 
with my little monster 

found this aviator for little kids to a side walk vendor. imagine.. i went to malls.. and department stores here in the province and i only found it on a side walk. perfect! i so love him wearing this!!

these are some of the outfits of my son!
more photos on my instagram 


Love, Mommy Krisna
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