what's in my bag 2015

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I've been wanting to write a what's in my bag post, ever since forever.. I've posted something like this last 2012 i think.. well, this, now, is an update of my what's in my bag version 2.0.
anyhoo. here it goes..
i am very big fan of JUICY COUTURE and their daydreamer bags.. i remember the first time i had one..it was heaven sent.. and it didn't stop there .. it went on and on and on.. 

this juicy couture Malibu mini daydreamer bag is my go-to bag. what i like about it is because it's black and can go with anything i wear. you can carry it as a handbag or a sling! that's why i love it so much. it is the right size for me because it can fit everything i need.. especially when i'm at work. 

inside my bag, i have 2 pouches. 1 for my make-up and 1 for my whatnot's.. haha..


  1. ARUN power bank - you'll never know when your battery is running low. i just recently bought this, and it's doing great, will totally recommend this brand to my friends.
  2. cable charger - no cable, no charge! 
  3. small notebook - i always bring with me small notebooks for me to write on.. for my bills, grocery list, things-to-do etc. 
  4. rosary - someone gave me a rosary, and ever since he gave it to me, i always put it in my bag
  5. coin purse - you know, for coins! haha
  6. wallet - my trusty Kate spade wallet, i usually like pink.. but everyone has it.. so why not try the yellow.. :)
  7. keys - i never go out without my keys, i need my keys! especially when i am out alone, and my two boys went some somewhere, i don't wanna wait them up just to open the door. 
  8. bobby pins - you'll never know when you're going to need them!
  9. ouchless goody hair ties - when im working, i don't like my hair falling down to face.. so i bring hair ties with me.. 
  10. alcogel hand sanitizer - BECAUSE you'll need them everytime!
  11. flash drive - my company is kinda kuripot, they don't really have their own flash drive so i have to bring mine.
  12. iphone - who doesn't bring their phone everywhere? .. i own an iphone 5.. not planning to buy an iphone 6 because it's beyond my budget.. sticking to this until i need to replace them. 

makeup kit!

before, i don't really like makeups, until i had breakouts and left pimple scars on my cheeks.. so i decided why don't i just give it a try... maybe foundations and concealers won't hurt.. and then i gave in! my kuya's girlfriend taught me the basics on how to put an everyday makeup. now, i can do my own make up... makeups are so addicting! i even subscribed at glamour box!(i'll be talking about glamour box on my next post)

  1. mac - candy yum yum
  2. nyx - shocking pink
  3. mac - cherry picking(wet'n wild)
  4. maybelline's BROW drama!
  5. nyx - powder blush 
  6. powder 
  7. eye of horus goddess mascara (came from the glamour box!)
are you wondering why i bring 3 lipsticks? funny because in the morning, i'm always in a rush! i put my makeup on and when my alarm turns on, i always panic and forget to put lipstick all the effin' time. 

so .. what's  in your bag?

love, mommy krisna!
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